Game overview
WoA is a score-based 2D arena shooter where every shot is deadly, so you better watch your step!
This game offers 5 different spells and each of them has its own unique attack style, amount of charges and effect:
Arcane arrow – Basic and simple spell. Each mage has it since start and uses it unless he picks up more powerful spell. Slightly slower projectile, 5 charges, recharging.
Poison splash – This one is tricky to dodge. Mage sends out 3 poison drops in a cone. I think we don’t have to inform you that touching the poison results in imminent death and should not be tried at home under any circumstances.
Frost spikes – Did your last shot miss the target by millimeters? Worry no more! Get that scoundrel with 5 consecutive projectiles that arc a degree or two to sides, he won’t know what froze him. PS: Succesful hit not guaranteed.
Dragonfire blast – Why aim for the direct hit? Why kill only one enemy? If you ever thought about these things, dragonfire blast is here just for you and it is really, really hungry for action. This “little” fella explodes on contact, even with surroundings, causing big explosion that results in killing any hostile or/and friendly targets. Use this one wise, young apprentice.
Bag of mischief – Well well well, what did little wizards found in forbidden wing of Azearian school? This rascal knows no ally and can’t wait to cause some…you know…mischief… After deployment, this spell stays hidden on the map and any unaware target may expect very big (and deadly, ofcourse) surprise. Dare to see what it is?(yea, first 2-3 pictures look terrible next to those new, polished, smooth animation-frames of dragonfire and mischief spells, but we can assure you that we will make those great again!)
Style of game is deathmatch-like and simple. Did you kill someone? Great! you get point! Did you die? Not so great. You lose point. Now respawn and get your revenge and honor back!
Whole brawl takes place in two possible backgrounds:
Sacred ruins – Outlying area with rich history. You can feel the magic’s pressence in the air, so why not have a nice magic battle in here? They say these ruins (especially the old menhir which stays undamaged even after many centuries) are haunted. But who would be scared of some ghosts with destructive spells up their sleeves?
Azearian library – The ground of study, knowledge and intellect. And somehow, they thought it would be great to battle here. Keeping silence in library? Noone cares. Not damaging hand crafted book cases, old books and benches? Noone cares either. Well, let’s atleast have the battle over and return this place into its calm and peaceful state.
Okay, real talk now. Our plans, dreams and expectations :
In case of high interest or good feedback, we would love to make this a full-fledged game that includes stuff that everyone likes, such as:
-competetive play, ladder rankings
-customizable player elements (spell skins, variety of colors and most importantly-hats!!)
-new game modes (avatar mode, team deathmatch, don’t-fall-of-the-map-mode?,…)
-new spells, maps
-implementing to Steam, and hopefully consoles, too
This game is our dream coming true, and we would love to see it becoming even more. This can be achieved only because of you, dear reader and hopefully player. We want to slowly improve the game by following players’ feedbacks and ideas.
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