“Seul.(Alone) ticks all those boxes & is up there as one of the finer ‘choose your own adventure’ style games.” 7/10 GBHBL
AppAdvice.com GAME OF THE WEEK! iOS!
Seul.(Alone) is a philosophical thriller, containing horror elements. A subsistence where characters dwell. It is a choose your own adventure type of game but there are mysteries to solve and connections to unfold. Journey through here but remember you may not stay.
Looking deeper at Seul.(Alone) it is a philosophical thriller, meaning it is a thriller based on thrilling philosophical ideas and contains horror elements. From nihilism, existentialism, surrealism, solipsism and absurdism. A narrative told with these ideas kept in mind. I wanted to play on these thoughts but also present some Lynchian kind of world where nothing makes much sense at first glance but as one adapts to it when it manages to invade itself into you. You begin to see that mostly everything is staged within the game for a reason, a motivation sits behind every image and sentence.
Seul.(Alone) is aimed to be a detective styled game where every choice has weight and you can feel that but I also wanted it to be about nothing. Like how dreams can feel at times. It seems so heavy and important to the dreamer while the dream is happening but when one wakes it seems to lose all its importance or even its sensibility. The weight of it has dissipated and you are left with this odd out of place feeling while you lay there replaying the memory of the dream you just had.
But at times those dreams can still affect you if you lay there and really begin to pull them apart and ask why what was the reason for that? Where did those thoughts come from? What is my subconscious communicating, where are the links to my life? Now you are studying the dream… and there’s a whole ocean of stuff behind that now, connections, motivations and meanings. This is what I want to achieve in Seul.(Alone) and you mostly ever find yourself studying those areas of your life when you are truly Seul.(Alone).
“These photos, like all photos long and ache to be looked at. Archived memories, captured moments. Even of those of us before, relatives. All lives we never knew, stories drifted down to us on moth chewed, washed out cloth. Spoken words of skeletons and broken locked closets. Where murky smudged out truths have only now been hung out to dry. Their corpses dragged out and placed on display. Forever being studied, observed, heard and judged, but never truly understood.
Why even keep the weight? Preserving, measuring and shelving. Unpacking to be passed on as a lesson learned or a story told. Why? Because we are condemned to forgetting. Without proper storage, in the foundation, the winds and sands of time, cover over and devour.” Seul. (Alone) The Entree.
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