Hexolution is simple hex based puzzle game where player have to set all hexagon values to be the same across the board by increasing or decreasing values. Each tap increase or decrease value of tapped hex while hexagons next to hex that was tapped do the same but opposite way.
In game there are four different types of hexagons:
- Plain – Changing value by one each time and changing values of hexagons next to it by one in opposite way.
- Lock Hex – With black line across these hexagons have fixed value that can not be changed in any way. Player will need to move other hexagons to this set value in order to solve the puzzle.
- Big hex – With smaller hex inside it. This type of hex change value by three each time. It also change value of two rows of hexagons at once. First row next to big hex change value by two. Second row of hexagons change value by one.
- Linked hexagons – This type of hex change value with other hexagons of the same type no matter where they are across the board. Linked hexagons also move hexagons that are next to them by one.
Game board is randomly generated each level which allow for unlimited amount of puzzles. Below are some board examples.
Game is currently in Alpha stage of development. Even though most of the features are implemented there is still a lot of polishing work to be done.
Game will be released soon for Android and iOS platforms.
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