May your butt reign supreme in Brief Battles, use your underpants to fight your friends in this fast-paced couch gaming platform fighter!
Conquer your foes with flaming hot pants, buns of steel, toxic tighty whities and more. Brief Battles features over-the-top gameplay, colourful heroes, ridiculous game modes and hilarious combat powers.
The Features:
- Equip a variety of super powered underpants during battle to be granted absurd combat powers.
- Playable heroes are cute, plump, wobbly and agile.
- Players have a huge amount of control to get around and take down their foes. Using sticky nubs (hands), players can stick to almost any flat surface.
- Battle in treacherous arenas with vibrant, eye-popping visuals. Arenas feature interactive elements and hazards unique to the region of play.
- Choose from classic or ridiculous underpant themed game modes. (All modes yet to be announced)
Butt How?
Love of couch games + underpants + sticky cute characters + fully embracing the power of the butt = Brief Battles.
Brief Battles is currently in development around the alpha stage with many unannounced features. We’re saving a bunch of details for later announcements, so if you have any questions we’ll do our best to give you answers! We plan on launching Brief Battles as a fully featured game, with continued support and content after launch.
Who’s making Brief Battles?
Juicy Cupcake – a two-man indie dev team from Adelaide, Australia. We’re all about developing games with humor thrown into the mix!
Want to see more?
Brief Battles on Steam Greenlight:
Brief Battles website:
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Brief Battles – Pre-alpha Gameplay Trailer:
Brief Battles – Alpha Deathmatch Gameplay:
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