Beyond reach :
Interactive level design of a fictive 3D-Game
Walkthrough made with Unity game engine
Texturing and modeling made in Blender3D
The Unity particle system “Shuriken” and
Adobe After Effects was used for magical effects
In this projects no assets where used.
Beyond Reach was the final exam of my 3D-Design study. I’ve made two rooms of an arkan mage that become corrupted from the evil. The most important point in this final exam was to bake all objects and optimize the whole scene. As well the scene needed to be build as the player can see the transformation of the magicans mind. Lightning in the first room needed a chilling ambient. Through the scene the lightning change to a dark and mysterious ambient.
The story about Beyond Reach is inside the file.
There is a BeyondReach_storyline.pdf. Have fun while playing and enjoy the story.
Maybe u find out what’s going on in this scene.
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best regards, FuoxCreative
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