Use the awesome power of fireworks cannons to stop the invasion of MUTANT DUCKS!
Your city is in imminent danger from a myriad of attacking ducks. Stop them dead in their tracks as you shoot explosive, snowball, fireball, railgun and the dreaded BUBBLE GUM fireworks at them. Each duck popped can release: toxic smog, acid rain, electric bolts, fire eggs and other lethal projectiles which will create amazing CHAIN REACTIONS OF DESTRUCTION!
If the action gets too tough, grab yourself the beautiful, yet lethal AphroDucky item which will lure all the ducks on screen to their demise! Or use your collected feathers to make your city stronger, complete with a fully functional FORCE FIELD!
Of course they say the best defence is a good offence so upgrade your fireworks early, get yourself an extra cannon and try out different strategies to maximise the mutant duck carnage! These will come in handy when battling through the over 40 wave invasion, complete with several BOSS MUTANT DUCKS which will require you to keep your wits about you and employ different destructive strategies! Good luck on your journey, you will need it!
Regular updates planned in the near future with NEW WEAPONS, NEW ENEMIES and NEW ITEMS!
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