The soundtrack will be made solely by me using various different music editing programs and royalty free samples. If I exceed my Kickstarter goal, then I will be investing into a high quality microphone and will record all the music and most sound effects myself. As stated previously all the levels have different themes and each sound track will reflect the overall theme of the level.
The art style being used is a pixel art style. This is mainly because I believe that games now a days focus too much on using the best graphics possible and gameplay becomes a secondary concern. I have played computer games throughout my life and have seen many cases where the first/original games of a franchise are the most enjoyable to play. As they get more modern the games look better but the gameplay just doesn’t compare to the previous entries. All of the art work will be and has been designed by my girlfriend. This includes every sprite, all of the backgrounds, the hud display, the fore grounds and basically anything seen. This in its self has taken days to produce as she has to draw each sprite by every pixel.
The game play is a classic side-scroller platformer game, where the main character (you) has to go from point A to point B. The levels are designed to test your skills at platforming and simple puzzle solving, as there is no hint system in the game. This also means each level is made to teach you the rules and enemies of the game without slowing down the fun with a pause were you have to sit and read, what to do or how to get past a certain point. The challenge of completing a level without being spoon fed the answer, makes everyone feel a real achievement. Unlike modern games, losing all lives results in you starting that world from the beginning and lives feel more valuable to the player. At the end of each world after defeating a themed boss you will receive a new ability or power up. There will be secrets and mysteries littered throughout the game, there will also be unlockables which effect the gameplay directly. I will not be releasing any more information on the secrets, mysteries or unlockables so you will just have to wait for the full game to be released.
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