Demo 3.2 OUT NOW!
Welcome to the multiverse! Absorb elements. Shift colors. Your goal is to activate all plasma sources!
CPU: ~5 to 7 cores
GPU: Intel/Radeon or similar
Windows 7 or higher
DirectX 11
Disc memory: ~600MB
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime
By: Amber Crown Games
Robin Andblom: Concept, Design, Modelling, Animation, Programming, Music
Game Design: Carl Sjöberg & Mikel D’Andren
March 4, 2017 at 9:41 amGood day! I have some more exciting news about the upcoming demo 2.0 of Binary Sparks!
The demo will now feature not only 5, but 6 levels in total (three new levels).
Here is a screenshot of level 5.
Today I will finish the last details on the last level and begin to plan for performance optimizations and debugging next week!
Robin Andblom
April 8, 2017 at 12:27 pmSneek peek of the first ENEMY in Binary Sparks!
April 10, 2017 at 6:41 pmGreat news! I sat the entire weekend and managed to finish almost all of the bigger parts of the new Demo 2.0.
The only parts left now is debugging, playtesting and performance/rendering optimizations. I will try to hire a tech artist for this, to get the best results quickly.
I want to set a new deadline, but it might be hard (since I still have much in school), but I should manage to get finished in about one month
Prepare for three new levels, many new mechanics and new music!
Here is a screenshot of the intro cutscene!
Amber Crown Games
May 6, 2017 at 11:06 amHello! This week Ill try to to hire a tech artist to get Binary Sparks DEMO 2.0 optimized in performance and rendering as much as possible!
I still dont wanna set a release date just yet, since the uncertainty of the time this will take and Im still not yet fully recovered!
May 20, 2017 at 6:21 pmHi! First of all, Im sorry to say that I have to delay the new Binary Sparks Demo 2.0 some more weeks! But now I have a tech artist to fix performance issues and optimize it as well as rendering cost.
We will try to get the new demo out sometime in the end of June though.
Thanks for your patience and again sorry for the massive delay!
June 3, 2017 at 5:05 pmHello people! I can say it enough, Im still sorry for the massive delay of the new Binary Sparks – Demo 2.0.
Im working alot on the game now and will try to wrap the last things up together with my technical artist that I hired. It might take some more month though, cause I also need to bug test the demo.
As an apology, I will give away some small nice secrets and details during these last weeks.
Below you can see some nice new 3D model details that I added to the world of Binary Sparks!
Thanks again for the patience!
June 10, 2017 at 4:20 pmWhy dont get even more crazy when you can? NEW 3D MODELS FROM THE UPCOMING DEMO OF BINARY SPARKS
June 21, 2017 at 9:05 amTRAILER for the upcoming Demo 2.0
June 23, 2017 at 8:57 amNEW water material!
Release date coming soon!
June 24, 2017 at 4:39 pmBinary Sparks DEMO 2.0 will be out 1 August! It will feature:
-3 new levels (6 in total)
-3 new puzzle objects: paint bucket, magnet and enemy
-Indicator on objects that can be picked up
-New details (plants and trees) on the levels
-New water material
-New sun with sun “god”/light shaft rays
-New player material
-2 new skyspheres
-4 new soundtracks
-New sky/surrounding details
-New puzzles
-More help dialouge/text
-2 new mechanics added: Sprint and shoot laser
-2 new bots
-New intro cinematic
-One new dialouge voice
-Skip cutscenes enabled
-Objects that are carried are’nt dropped after teleportation
-Respawn/Checkpoint rotation fixed
-Rendering/performance optimizations and fixes
-Vertex count reduction for performance and rendering
-Cinematic/Full HD quality added
-Physics collision/handle problems (such as carry objects)
Stay tuned!
July 25, 2017 at 5:14 pm7 DAYS LEFT until the release of Binary Sparks – DEMO 2.0!
It will feature:
-3 new levels (6 in total)
-3 new puzzle objects: paint bucket, magnet and enemy
-Indicator on objects that can be picked up
-New details (plants and trees) on the levels
-New water material
-New sun with sun “god”/light shaft rays
-New player material
-2 new skyspheres
-4 new soundtracks
-New sky/surrounding details
-New puzzles
-More help dialouge/text
-2 new mechanics added: Sprint and shoot laser
-2 new bots
-New intro cinematic
-One new dialouge voice
-Skip cutscenes enabled
-Objects that are carried are’nt dropped after teleportation
-Respawn/Checkpoint rotation fixed
-Rendering/performance optimizations and fixes
-Vertex count reduction for performance and rendering
-Cinematic/Full HD quality added
-Physics collision/handle problems (such as carry objects)
Stay tuned!
July 27, 2017 at 1:03 pm27 JULY:
5 DAYS LEFT until the release of Binary Sparks – Demo 2.0!!
What are your favourite moments with BOB?
July 31, 2017 at 9:10 amTOMORROW the new demo of Binary Sparks will be released!
Are you prepared?
*6 Levels (3 new)
*3 new mechanics (magnet, paintbucket and enemy)
*New trees, plants and details!
*More cutscenes!
*More puzzles
*More music!
Download here:
August 2, 2017 at 12:24 pmDEMO 2.0 OUT NOW!
DOwnload ABOVE!
August 19, 2017 at 11:19 amGood day! Hope you’re doing great!
The future plans of Binary Sparks looks like this:
*Fullversion will now be in development (Will take some time, will tease sall things now and then but not many more demos will come)
*More people will be hired, such as programmers and level designers
*Progress might be slow this autumn since Im having some small things left at the university
*VR-compatibility will be added, and you can choose weither to play in VR or not
*Some kind of multiplayer mode, where CO-OP is needed to complete puzzles
*Level Editor will be added, and people will be able to upload/download levels via a server
*More trippy science-multidimensional stuff. The theories of the 10t dimensions and the Calabi-Yau manifold will be used (real science/philisophy stuff).
Read more about the theories of the 10 dimensions here:
See you in the multiverse!
Thanks alot!
August 26, 2017 at 9:40 amNow the FULLVERSION of Binary Sparks is in development! NEW GAME OBJECT: Spikeblock!
September 9, 2017 at 1:01 pmFollow my studio on YOUTUBE
Thank you so much!
September 10, 2017 at 11:59 amHi! Now Im looking for support and to hire people to help me develop the fullversion beta of Binary Sparks! If youre interested its all about working next year, spring 2018.
This is what I need help with:
Publishing/PR/Marketing Help
Level Design
Puzzle Game Objects Ideas
3D Modelling/Animation Support
Performance Optimization
Social Media Management
Investment / Crowdfunding
Play testers
Organizational Management
Server Web Development
You will ofcourse get paid. If you know anyone or if you’re willing to help mail me at: OR message me on my facebook page: Amber Crown Games
More details about the work in detail will come soon!
More models from Binary Sparks!
Thanks alot!
December 10, 2017 at 10:46 amHi! Boring news, the implementation of the fullversion together with my team mates will be DELAYED 6-12 months, since Ive just taken my bachelor’s degree from Malmö University and Im now looking for full-time jobs. Small updates might come now and then but don’t expect much from the project now.
I really want this project to succeed and becoming one of the best experiences for you guys out there, and this is hard to accomplish with lack of economy. If I delay it and save it till later, I will be able to work more serious and full-time with the project, and starting up my own company which also will make me able to pay my team mates much better, which also will result in better quality for Binary Sparks.
I will explain more on my TWITCH STREAM, sunday 9/12 – 08.00 PM CEST:
I might work on my other project a little bit:
Thanks for your understanding!
December 17, 2017 at 10:30 amHi! Sorry for not updating yesterday as usual. I had some strange problems with the engine, which seems to be fixed now. The new design demo (will be numbered 3.0) is almost finished, but as I want to bug test it alot, I will as usual make much time for this. The new demo should be avaliable in the end of January though at latest.
This demo will also sadly be the last demo until the project break/delay that I talked about. I think it’s good because I figured I still haven’t got a full understanding of the complex engine that is Unreal, so hiring more people when theres time and money will make the overall quality better. I do still have bottlenecks as well, and Ill do what I can on these for this demo, but this is also something I need the right competences to do properly.
A trailer will come up soon! And ofcourse Ill stream again tonight on Twitch 08.00 PM CEST as usual!
In the meantime, here’s a screenshot from my test level
Ill not work much over the christmas hollidays, but some update might come after new year!
Take care and merry christmas!
January 23, 2018 at 10:48 amScreenshots from the upcoming demo of #BinarySparks
February 7, 2018 at 8:42 pmNEW TRAILER!!
March 18, 2018 at 8:21 amMain mechanic COLOR SHIFT simplified!