Project gear jump is a constant running platformer where you have to utilise 3 different jumps to kill enemies and get through the level.
Though each jump has their own name they can all be referred to as jump gears!
- Jump Gear 1: A short hop useful for killing enemies.
- Jump Gear 2: A long jump useful for jumping over long gaps.
- Jump Gear 3: A high jump useful for clearing tall objects.
This example is fairly easy but as you progress through the game you will have to chain these jumps together in challenging sequences. You might even consider certain sections a jumping puzzle.
The main character is called Neil, please meet him. Here he is in action along with his character bio.
This is just a snippet of the gif as upload limits prevented me from posting the full thing. The full gif tells ou a bit more about Neil and gives clues to the story please watch it here
Though no one knows where Neil will end, we can see where he begins…… a place that doesn’t belong to any location. It exists outside the universe, if you look you can see Neil runs on the border between the universe and the vast expanse in which he currently resides. Though people call this place many things, we can certainly say Neil does not call it home! In fact, Neil does not call it anything so for the sake of simplicity we will call it the Expansive Border.
The only thing Neil can be sure of in the Expansive Border is the voice that haunts him. Like anything else in the expanse, not much is known about the voice but Neil seems familiar with it even when it rambles on to entities Neil can’t see.
The voice seems friendly and is yet to show signs of hostility, and though helpful, its purpose and motives are questionable
The Gear Suit is what allows Neil to switch between jump gears, as he switches, the suit changes colour to indicate which jump gear the suit is in.
During the switch to another gear the suite becomes incredibly volatile, despite this, it’s viewed as a very reliable piece of equipment. The few deaths that have occurred solely due to the suit is down to mistreatment. To minimise this type of incident, suits are assigned to those that need them.
The suit also comes with a gas mask. This mask has large eyeholes and an incredibly long tube that Neal lets rest around his neck. The tube then connects to Neil’s chest over his heart. The mask is what keeps Neil alive in so many unknown environments such as the Expansive Border, and for that reason, Neil always has his mask firmly strapped to his face. Only people from where Neil calls home knows how he looks.
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